2013.02-2016.02 法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS) 能源工程 、工学博士
导师:Gilles Flamant 教授,法国国家科学研究中心过程,
2009.09-2012.03 华中科技大学热能工程 、工学硕士
2005.09-2009.06 哈尔滨工程大学热能与动力工程 、工学学士
- 2016.10 - 至今 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院 、讲师
- 2016.02 - 2016.10 法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS) 能源工程 、博士后
合作导师:Gilles Flamant 教授
- 2012.04 -2013.01 东方电气集团国际工程公司 、锅炉工程师
主要工作: 越南海防2x300MW燃煤电站总承包项目。主要负责锅炉施工图纸审核,工程验收。
- 2012.05-2012.09 在越南现场参与了锅炉水压试验,脱硝装置安装
科 研 成 果
- Zeng K, Minh DP, Gauthier D, Weiss-Hortala E, Nzihou A, Flamant G.The effect of temperature and heating rate on char properties obtained from solar pyrolysis of beech wood. Bioresource Technology 2015;182:114-119.
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Li R, Flamant G.Solar pyrolysis of beech wood: Effects of pyrolysis parameters on the product distribution and gas product composition. Energy 2015;93:1648-1657.
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Lu JD, Flamant G.Parametric study and process optimization for solar pyrolysis of beech wood.Energy Conversion and Management 2015;106:987-998.
- Zeng K, Soria J, Gauthier D, Mazza G, Flamant G.Modeling of beech wood pellet pyrolysis under concentrated solar radiation.Renewable Energy 2016;99:721-729.
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Minh DP, Weiss-Hortala E, Nzihou A, Flamant G.Characterization of solar fuels obtained from beech wood solar pyrolysis.Fuel 2017;188:285-293.
- Li R, Zeng K, Soria J, Mazza G, Gauthier D, Rodriguez R Flamant G.Product distribution from solar pyrolysis of agricultural and forestry biomass residues. Renewable Energy 2016;89:27-35.
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Flamant G. High temperature flash pyrolysis of wood in a lab-scale solar reactor. In: Proceedings of ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. Boston, USA (June 30–July 2). (EI收录)
- Zeng K, Flamant G, Gauthier D, Guillot E. Solar pyrolysis of wood in a labscale solar reactor: influence of temperature and sweep gas flow rate on products distribution. Energy Procedia 2015;69:1849-1858. (EI收录)
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Flamant G. High temperature flash pyrolysis of wood in a lab-scale solar reactor. ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. Boston, USA (June 30–July 2).
- Zeng K, Flamant G, Gauthier D, Guillot E. Solar pyrolysis of wood in a labscale solar reactor: influence of temperature and sweep gas flow rate on products distribution. International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES 2014). Beijing, China (September 15-20).
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Minh DP, Weiss-Hortala E, Nzihou A, Flamant G. Temperature influence on the bio-oil, bio-char and bio-gas issued from solar pyrolysis of beech wood. 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation. Albi, France (2016, May 23–26).
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Minh DP, Weiss-Hortala E, Nzihou A, Flamant G. Experimental determination of energy upgrade factor for solar pyrolysis of beech wood. International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES 2016). Abu Dhabi, UAE (October 11-14).
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Flamant G. Solar pyrolysis/gasfication of wood pellet: the effects of experimental parameters on the product distribution. Franco-Chinese Workshop on Processes for Energy and Enviromental Issues (FCW2014). Albi, France (2014, June 12-13).
- Zeng K, Flamant G, Gauthier D, Lu JD. Solar pyrolysis of biomass, a way to upgrade wood value. Chinese-French Workshop on Processes for Energy and Environmental Issues. Tianjin, China (2015, October 18–21).
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Flamant G. In-situ measurement of C, H, O and metals (K, Na, Ca, Cu and Ni) concentration in biomass during gasification. The 9th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquim on Solar Concentrating Technologies. Hornberg, Germany (2013, May 13-16).
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Flamant G. Solar pyrolysis beech wood: the effects of experimental parameters on the product distribution. The 10th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquim on Solar Concentrating Technologies. Font-Romeu, France (2014, June 23-26).
- Zeng K, Gauthier D, Flamant G. Solar pyrolysis wood in a lab-scale solar reactor: regression analysis of product yields and char evaluation. The 11th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquim on Solar Concentrating Technologies. Zurich, Switzerland (2015, March 3-6).
- 2014. 06-2014.07 对太阳能热解产物焦炭的特性测定。
合作导师:Ange Nzihou 教授,实验室主任。
- 2015.09-2015.10 对太阳能热解产物焦油的特性测定。
合作导师:Ange Nzihou 教授,实验室主任。
- 2015.11-2015.12 生物质颗粒在太阳能辐射加热下的热解CFD模型开发。
合作导师:Germán mazza教授,实验室主任。
2015.01-2015.07 指导了硕士生Rui Li在实验室的实习,参与制定了他的实验计划和毕业论文的内容。在我的指导下,他在Renewable Energy上发表了一篇论文,并投稿一篇国际会议。
Science of the Total Environment; Waste and Biomass Valorization; Renewable Energy
- 法国卓越实验室未来投资项目《利用聚焦太阳能热解生物质》(<2013 -2016年>)
- 广东电网公司科技项目《电厂SCR脱硝系统运行动力学模型的建立及数值模拟研究》(<2010 -2011年>)
- 国家自然科学基金项目《水泥分解炉内氮氧化物的转化和生成机理研究》(项目编号:50776034<2010 年>)